Stepping stones or stumbling blocks,
wondering was I, with careless thoughts.
Fluttered my breath, yearned my heart.
Success is where my eyes are cast.
Waiting for years
with scattered seeds.
Never seen a fruit
as sweet as my effort.
Aimed at sparkling star,
empty hand and nothing so far.
With spirit as high and endless try
made my way to sun and sky.
Nothing could I find
still I’m in ground.
For a hidden reason I thought
strike a light! It wasn't my fault.
Strongest tree is that compelled
to stand in scorching sun and wind.
Surrounded by difficulty
is the island of opportunity.
No reason to cry,
boundless possibility has I.
Through sands of time, I set
the journey to the sweetest fruit.
Blossomed the lovely stars.
'forget us not', they whispers.